About Cadet College Larkana



The plan to build a Cadet College, near Larkana was initiated in 1975, under the directive of the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Awam Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. But due to the political upheavals that later followed, the scheme went into oblivion. The project was, however, reactivated in 1988, and the College was commissioned with bare minimum facilities in 1992.

The College was formally inaugurated in 1994 by the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto. One officer of the rank of Captain/Major from Pak Army is posted as Adjutant of the college. The officer looks after extra-curricular, like, drill, physical training, discipline, visits and excursions organize sports/games, security and transport matters of the institution. He also carries out career counseling of cadets especially guide them in taking career in uniform.


The campus of Cadet College Larkana is situated about 3 km from Mohenjo-daro, the world-famous heritage of mankind dating back to 3500 BC, on the Larkana Mohen-jo-daro Road. Its distance from Larkana town is 24 kilometers, while Mohenjo-daro airport and railway station are only 3km and 5km away respectively from the campus. The College is situated in beautiful natural surroundings. It combines the advantages of calm and serene atmosphere essential for effective dissemination and assimilation of instructions, and of easy access to town, airport, railway station, bus stand and picnic spots.

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The Cadet College Larkana conducts classes from 8th to 12th (affiliated with BISE Larkana).Boys are taught with the help of Projector in Class and in every class there is a projector with loudspeaker and all teachers are also given laptops to teach the Cadets.


There are almost 1100 Cadets and every year a new batch of 300+ cadets is being taken in. Cadets are round the clock trained in a well groomed environment in order to prepare them for future leadership of nation. After passing out, cadets aspire their future careers in Armed Forces of Pakistan and other professional institutes.


Larkanian's Code of Honour

A Larkanian excels in:

A Larkanian:

Student life

The students are called cadets. Cadets take part in sports such as field hockey, football, basketball, swimming, volleyball, squash, tennis and athletics. Fitness activities include gymnastics, jogging and running. Physical training (PT) is conducted in the morning and sports in the evening. Students are also taught drill. Classes are conducted in the morning and preps at night. The tough routine ensures physical build-up as well as academic excellence.


Cadet College Larkana owns and maintains one of the biggest libraries in Pakistan. It possesses more than 40,000 books on various subjects, including latest encyclopedias and other research journals. A large number of dailies and periodicals are also found in three languages English, Sindhi and Urdu are also regularly added to the periodical Section of the Library.


All students of Cadet College Larkana are known as Larkanians.

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